#Saturday# Data analysis

Created a R script to run the data analysis but still think the protocol is very redundant and repea

#Friday# Work hard

Blow off the dust on your shoulder and walk faster

#Tuesday# Have got used to work at home.

This website may fit people who work at home better. :))

#Monday# Have to work home

Have to work home another day due to the flooded office.

#Thursday# Work at home

The office is flooded. I have to work at home.

#Habit# How to form habit

Cue —> Routine—>Reward 4

#Weekend# Reading

Finished the reading of ‘The Inevitable’ written by Kevin Kelly.

#Linux# WGS

Use the newest version of software to run the data. Now the running time has been reduced by about t 1

#实验设计# 思考需严谨


#busy week# meeting

A two day meeting makes this week so busy.



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