#After Christmas and before new year# Focus when you have to

1. The writing is almost there. 2. Python learning is going well.

#Sunday thinking# Interesting life

How to make your life interesting? Life is not only abut work...

#After Christmas and before new year# Focus when you have to

Had a good day today. All work has been done as planned. Cheers!

#After Christmas and before new year# Focus when you have to

The work done today: 1. Some writing 2. Today's lab work 3. one module of python learning. Sim

#After Christmas and before new year# Focus when you have to

Writing and a little bit lab work today.

#After Christmas and before new year# Focus when you have to

I really like the music played when a toamto time reaches. 2

#After Christmas and before new year# Focus when you have to

Start to read and write. Fighting! 1

#After Christmas and before new year# Focus when you have to

I just had a two-day break and feel great now. Hope to finish the writing soon.

#Christmas season# Short Communication

The structure of Discussion and Introduction has been organised this morning. Yeah! :)))))

#Christmas season# Short Communication

A short communication needs to be written up recent days. I don't have tomatoes left and am too poor 1



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