#星期五# Page 268, Phage

"Ahoy there, matey!" Sam turned to see a golf cart speeding at him. Paul was at the wheel, tanned to

#星期三# Phage, just to record

Sam knew he'd gambled on JVD, and now he had to face the music. "Robert, I decided to go to the Virg

#星期二# <<Phage>>

He like Amy, and at times such as this--on an island nurturing romantic stirrings--he realized how m

#星期二# 周二要上班啦


#星期一# 今儿做了好多事


#星期五# 连轴转

最近像陀螺,越转越快以致停不下来。今晚扔下那堆数据,安安静静看点闲书。:) P.s. 今晚煮银耳汤放多了枸杞,等着明天早饭喝汤后流鼻血......

#星期三# 可以在Windows 7的系统里运行Python 吗?

貌似这里有很多计算机专业人士。请教大家这个问题。最近在寻找做数据分析的软件。望不吝赐教。:) 8

#星期二# Dark house

So busy that I even forgot to use this website. :))))

#星期日# 母亲节

每当想起老妈,心里都会酸酸的,因为不能陪伴。每想起她,那些诗和远方都开始显得微不足道。 2

#星期四# Public server_Galaxy

I guess a lot of people in the area of life science are using Galaxy recently. The server is just ge 3



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