Saturday 10人次参与 3 年,1 月前更新 创建于5 年,3 月前

#Saturday# Work

Got my full license today! Yea!!! 1

#Saturday# Writing

Best wishes to Wuhan!

#Saturday# Writing

A friend who had planned to go to China during the spring festival has canceled her flight. Waht a w 1

#Saturday# Need tomatoes again

Tomatoes have been used up again because of a died task :((( 2

#Saturday# Need tomatoes again

Please forgive me. I need to have another a little bit boring post to get some tomatoes. Have a grea

#Saturday# Work at home

I have no idea when somebody will get mad and what the reason is. tired!

#Saturday# Work at home

I have no idea when somebody will get mad and what the reason is. tired!

#Saturday# Data analysis

Created a R script to run the data analysis but still think the protocol is very redundant and repea

#Saturday# Have to work today

Have to finish revising one manuscript

#Saturday# 周末




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