随笔 7人次参与 2 年,2 月前更新 创建于2 年,3 月前

#随笔# A letter

My dear Lydia: Are you doing well these days? I've heard that you just invented sth. you call SG. I 7

#随笔# Someone for Everyone

Warning. 一篇qqgg且充满私货的神奇的文章 To my dear sweetheart: 就像标题所说,Everyone may fall in love with someone 5

#随笔# Someone-1

My self-compassion levels are just too low; I can’t bear revealing my imperfection, confessing my l

#随笔# Bygones

I've been reflecting over the past but what's the ******* point in doing that?? Can I go back? Even 14

#随笔# An Echoing Dream

透过望不到尽头的玻璃长廊,我看到了来自过去的自己。 一切都是如此美好的: 拉上窗帘的晚上的教室,xyz与三角形错落。桌前摆着的青柑普洱,纸上落下的笔触。那个下着大雨的下午,沁人心脾的凉爽。十八元的 7

#随笔# No one cares

恒远的空虚 闪烁光的碎片 大片大片的 控制者未曾填补的空白 她漂浮起来 与天空中的飞燕同行 飞过六座光与暗的神庙 背后的光点 闪动 试图抓住 错过 敬爱的神祇 是否只有拥抱你才能得到解脱 16

#随笔# Shadow

In your eyes I see darkness Like the moon in the sky The trembling field I'm doing Who's watchi 1



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