#一日小结# Now is important. Future direction is more.

Make a good plan for the future and then try your best every minute.

#星期四# It will be harder if you move faster.

Do it harder, move faster, and enjoy more.

#星期二# Dark can lead you to the brightness.

Dark can lead you to the brightness. Find the resource you have and get more from others.

#星期四# New year with new start

New year with new power

#星期三# Figure out the time dissipation everyday

Figure out the time dissipation everyday and put enough time on the things with higher priority .

#一日小结# You need to push yourself to do something

Push yourself to do better in every things. 1

#星期六# Refresh yourself during weekend

Store more energy and then make a shock

#星期五# All the feeling comes innerly, not from the outsid

All the feeling you get comes from inside world. So does the feeling you give to others.



行恒 © 行恒 2013