#星期一# 重获新生

  • +1番茄
  • 218只自习生围观
  • 2017年10月23日 08:48打卡
  • 6 年,9 月前有动静
  • 引用
  • 举报



The final day - Do it to you best
  • 凌风
  • ♂ 34
  • 6级
  • 自律力66.30
  • 多伦多
Rainy Day - 雨声能让我苏醒, 也能伴我安然入睡
Have to work today - Have to finish revising one manuscript
  • Alisa
  • ♀ 39
  • 6级
  • 自律力37.21
  • The Arctic Circl
English words - What do you think?
  • Alisa
  • ♀ 39
  • 6级
  • 自律力37.21
  • The Arctic Circl
Saturday - I need to work at this weedend.
  • Alisa
  • ♀ 39
  • 6级
  • 自律力37.21
  • The Arctic Circl
Saturday - How to overcome anxiety?
  • Alisa
  • ♀ 39
  • 6级
  • 自律力37.21
  • The Arctic Circl
Saturday - Work a little bit at weekend.
  • Alisa
  • ♀ 39
  • 6级
  • 自律力37.21
  • The Arctic Circl
Saturday - You say tomato, I say tomato. Anyway, I
  • Alisa
  • ♀ 39
  • 6级
  • 自律力37.21
  • The Arctic Circl
Friday - If you have tried, something wonderful m
  • Alisa
  • ♀ 39
  • 6级
  • 自律力37.21
  • The Arctic Circl
每日英语搭配:file patent 申请专利 - The following year, 1976, Nestle filed i



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