#一日小结# read Writing A Novel with Ulysses

  • read Writing A Novel with Ulysses BY David Hewson
    • actual: 5x50min Pomodoro
    • difference: 5x50min Pomodoro
    • difference: 0 以前有看100多页书,用Now Then Pro计时为6小时, 这本书108页, estimate5小时够了, 这次预测准确
    • interruption: 手机游戏, 室友
    • Takeaway
      • 读完后,列出将来我若写文章的步骤
  • +6番茄
  • 1034只自习生围观
  • 2017年5月29日 09:34打卡
  • 7 年,1 月前有动静
  • 引用
  • 举报



read the rest of So Good They Can't Ignore You BY Cal Newport (Part 1) - * plan: 6x50min Pomodoro , * actual: 6x5
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  • ♀ 39
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  • 自律力37.21
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  • ♀ 39
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  • ♀ 39
  • 6级
  • 自律力37.21
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  • ♀ 39
  • 6级
  • 自律力37.21
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a relaxing weekend - stay with family , stroll in a shopping
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  • ♂ 38
  • Xiangyang, Hubei
  • non-student



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