每日英语搭配:piggyback on 利用,借助

Nestle had ploughed a decade of investment into a system that got people to pay five times more for coffee at home than for traditional roast and ground: why not try to piggyback on that?

One ground for hope is that bureaucracies can piggyback on the private sector’s experience.

They give each other piggy-back rides.

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  • +9番茄
  • 1520只自习生围观
  • 2020年10月6日 10:45打卡
  • 3 年,11 月前有动静
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One of Gaillard’s innovations was to rebalance the business towards making revenue from the capsules rather than the machines. —revenue 收入

In a bid to crack the US, Nespresso introduced a whole new range of machines – the Vertuo system, capable of delivering much larger portions. –为了打入 in a bid to crack…

They brought in new tax laws in a bid to restore their popularity.



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  • Alisa
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  • 自律力36.59
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